MAGA Hub - Truth Social Trump

5.13.52 por Android
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THE social network for the MAGA community. MAGA Hub is a free image, video, and text sharing platform. MAGA Hub makes finding like-minded people, chatting, sharing images & thoughts very simple. This app has content that is guaranteed to make your day. Explore the world of MAGA Hub!

■ Connect with like-minded people
MAGA Hub is the Number 1 app for the MAGA community.

■ Secure and social
End-to-end encrypted, no algorithms. We believe social media should focus on connecting.

■ Discover an endless amount of content customized for you
A personalized feed based on what you see, like, and share. MAGA Hub offers you interesting and fun content that will make your day.

■ Follow your interests
This app is specially created for the MAGA community. But still, you can explore topics and ideas you've never seen before!

■ Share your opinion
Engage in discussions, leave a comment, chat privately - or go viral.

■ Global MAGA Chat
MAGA Hub has a global chat where you can chat with everybody around the world. It's like a huge group chat for the MAGA community.

■ Customize your profile
Add a photo, description, location, links to other social media accounts, and more.

■ MAGA-Game
Play the game that was specially created for the MAGA community. Check out the global leaderboard, how well did you play?

■ Stories
Share your daily moments. Watch your friends' stories and see their adventures.

■ Much more
Collect reputation, like and share, build your brand, and more...

Connect with the MAGA community - download MAGA Hub today!

Informação Adicional

Categoria: social
Atualizado: 2022-02-21
Última versão: 5.13.52
Requisitos: Android 5.0+
Nome do pacote: com.lukasniessen.nnkphbs.maga

Baixar MAGA Hub - Truth Social Trump APK por Samsung Galaxy Young Duos S6312

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